IPL Photofacial
Sanger Avenue Aesthetics
Aesthetics & Medical Spa located in Waco, TX
If age spots, large pores, rosacea, or tiny veins prevent you from looking your best, you’ll love what the latest state-of-the-art light-based treatment can do for you. At Sanger Avenue Aesthetics in Waco, Texas, the dedicated team of aesthetic professionals, led by Patricia Wilcox, MD, performs intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacials that can help your skin look brand-new, with no downtime. Use the online scheduler on this site, or call the office to book your appointment today.
IPL Photofacial
What is an IPL photofacial?
An intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacial is a gentle light-based treatment that’s perfect for the problems caused by environmental exposure and aging. It’s also a great solution for other types of skin conditions. IPL photofacials can help with:
- Age spots and other hyperpigmentation
- Broken capillaries and tiny blood vessels
- Facial redness
- Rosacea
IPL photofacials also diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, so it’s a great all-around rejuvenating treatment for your face. You can also get IPL treatment for your chest, arms, hands, and other areas affected by aging and sun exposure.
How does IPL photofacial work?
In a photofacial, your Sanger Avenue Aesthetics specialist focuses concentrated light flashes onto your skin surface. You’ll wear protective eyewear during treatment.
IPL targets the hemoglobin within dilated blood vessels, damaging the blood vessels to force closure. For age spots and other unwanted pigmentation, IPL targets the melanin, fragmenting it into microscopic particles that your body absorbs and eliminates.
The light also stimulates collagen production to improve your skin texture and make fine lines and wrinkles less obvious.
How is IPL different than laser treatments?
With an IPL photofacial, your specialist uses broadband light, or a full spectrum of wavelengths, while laser therapy uses only one wavelength.
What does an IPL photofacial feel like?
Most patients tolerate it very well, so there's generally no anesthetic needed for an IPL photofacial. Your Sanger Avenue Aesthetics specialist typically applies a cooling gel before treatment. You might experience a snapping sensation, like a mild rubber band snap, during treatment.
What happens after an IPL photofacial?
Your skin might look slightly red, and you could have some very mild swelling. For a short period, your brown spots may darken, but they’ll gradually disappear. Veins may start to vanish immediately. After each treatment session, your results improve. Following a series of treatments, you can expect smoother, more evenly toned, and overall improved skin.
How many IPL photofacials will I need to see results?
Most patients get the best results with a series of IPL photofacials about once a month. You’ll discuss your particular concerns and needs with your Sanger Avenue Aesthetics specialist so they can design an IPL photofacial schedule that gives you optimal results.
Get glowing skin now by requesting an appointment online or calling Sanger Avenue Aesthetics today.
* Individual results may vary